IT Asset Disposal, How to Prepare Equipment for ITAD | ServerMonkey

The Basics of IT Asset Disposal
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The Basics of IT Asset Disposal

Having a secure way to handle IT equipment disposal is crucial to protect a company’s sensitive data and brand. With the way technology is constantly evolving, IT asset disposal is becoming more complicated and riskier for your business. Companies used to simply dump old equipment into landfills, however doing this not only puts your data at risk for theft but can also have implications with the law. To protect your company and its data, you need professional ITAD services.


ITAD is an acronym standing for Information Technology Asset Disposition, and it’s all about disposing of unwanted equipment in a safe manner. It’s crucial to find an ITAD company that you trust to dispose of and recycle your unused equipment in a responsible manner. If data stored on your devices isn’t decommissioned properly or responsibly your company is at risk for a data breach.

The highly specialized machinery you use to run your company needs to be decommissioned by an expert; not only for the sake of your privacy but also because specialists will be able to recycle parts and handle the machinery in the most environmentally friendly and efficient manner.

Below are three main steps to take to prepare your Assets for being decommissioned.

1. Take Stock of Your Assets

Before you jump into ITAD you should take stock of what you have that works, what needs to be replaced, and what if anything could be utilized in a different department. Once you know what needs to go, you’ll have an accurate inventory to keep track of what needs to be recycled, remarketed, or refurbished.

2. Make a Log

Before sending your assets to be wiped and disposed of, investigate the types of data that were stored on each device and make a log. Keep track of each user and their job title. This will help you categorize the machinery and identify how it was used. Then if there are any issues with company policy or law, you will have a detailed log to prove you handled the decommissioning properly.

3. Backup Critical Information

Before you have your equipment wiped and disposed of, ensure that you have backed up any critical data. You’ll want to ensure that any data you may need in the future or any proprietary information is backed up to a safe and secure location.

Once you’ve taken care of these three steps you won’t have to worry about a data breach, and you’ll be ready for IT equipment disposal. If you want to ensure your assets don’t end up in a landfill illegally, click here and find out more about ServerMonkey’s IT Asset Disposition services.

Contact us today to talk to an ITAD expert!

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