Save 5% on all Intel Scalable Series Processors, DDR4 2666MHz or faster memory, and Dell SSDs

  • Coupon Code: BF2022
  • Coupon only applies to qualifying products
  • Coupon works on both spare parts and on any qualifying parts in the CTO build
  • Applicable to both individual parts and any qualifying parts in the CTO build
Intel Xeon 1st Gen
Coupon Code: BF2022
Intel Xeon 2nd Gen
Coupon Code: BF2022
DDR4 memory 2666 Mhz
Coupon Code: BF2022
DDR4 memory 2933 Mhz
Coupon Code: BF2022

10% off all preconfigured Dell workstations

  • Coupon Code: PRECISION10
  • Preconfigured workstations only, no CTO's
DDR4 memory 3200 Mhz
Coupon Code: PRECISION10
Dell SSD's
Coupon Code: PRECISION10
Dell Workstations
Coupon Code: PRECISION10

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